'High fantasy, richly imagined and refreshingly well-written — an excellent novel.' The Sunday Times
'Brilliant, breathless and filled with action from page one.' Kids Out
'Gripping, racy, children have been fighting to borrow it.' The Guardian

Hi Doomspell fans,
I've written a new Doomspell novella. It's a new short story featuring Dragwena, Morpeth and many other
favourite characters from the original novel. 'The Light of Armath' is in a limited-edition 20th Anniversary hardback of The Doomspell (see cover below). The book
features not just the original novel, plus the new novella, but an introduction by me. Oh - and for any collectors out there and nostalgics it's in the original cover, too.
It was huge fun to revisit the characters and write The Light of Armath. You can read an extract
below. Dragwena remains, of course, just as nasty as ever. I hope you like it!
Warm wishes,

Read an extract from the new story 'The Light of Armath'
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In a blaze of light, rush of wind and scrabble of claws, Rachel and Eric are ripped through the wall and hurtled on to another world. Like thousands of other children before them, they have been snatched away by the Witch.
But this time the Witch has met her match. Rachel discovers that she has extraordinary gifts: she can transform herself into a feather, or fly on an owl’s back, just as the Witch can. The Witch is excited she has found someone to use for her own evil purposes. But for the Witch’s victims, Rachel is their only hope.