Hi guys,
I'm doing a themed event on ANGELS vs DEMONS this Sunday 31st October (yes, Halloween) at Foyles Bookshop in Charing Cross Road in London at 2.00pm. Come along if you can. I'll be debating with other writers like L.A. Weatherley, William Hussey and Sam Enthoven. Demon flesh will fly. Angels, will, of course, triumph. Should be fun ... it's free entry. A chance to meet me and another author or two ...
I've finished my second ghost novel. It's aimed at the same age-group as BREATHE and again it is set in a house, but a very different story, with a truly nasty villain. There was some discussion over the title (see last entry) but in the end my editor, Amber Caraveo, and I agreed on THE HUNTING GROUND. We're just deciding on the cover now. I'll let you have it when it's ready. It's due out in MAY 2011, about a month after SAVANNAH GREY comes out in paperback.
Plenty of people find this horror story weird (why don't people like monsters as much as me? As soon as you go from human to creature I see the portcullis of disinterest descending over their eyes). Anyway, I'm deeply pleased and flattered that the (brilliant) organisers of the North East Teenage Book Award have dropped me into their shortlist of 2010 book of the year, and I'll be attending the ceremony for that in January. The last one was great, although amazingly out of charity they let someone else win.
I'm trying to agree a new book with my publisher. It's not so easy as I tend to come out with ideas that are too 'dark, weird, violent and cruel' (I wish my wife would just leave me alone for once), but I'm trying to cheer up. Actually, I've got a story idea for a large scale fantasy adventure set on another world. Think AVATAR but more dark, cruel, violent and ... ha, I jest. Think AVATAR but better. Even though I'm known as a fantasy-horror writer, I haven't actually set the action for a book on a world outside the Earth since THE WIZARD'S PROMISE, the last of the Doomspell trilogy. Not sure why. About time I did again ...
That's it for the moment.
Ciao ..... and be good to each other, you guys.